Friday, November 4, 2011

The Overall Peacefull Transhumanist Policy

Transhumanism is the belief that we, homo sapien, have hit something of an evolutionary dead end, and we should now direct our evolution on our own.  Many in the world, mostly fanatically religious types, oppose this point of view, while others, mainly the uncaring "mainstream" American individual, simply ignore it.  Transhumanism seeks to spread it's themes through peaceful discourse and seminars, using the opposite methods of the very institutions that oppose us.  As we seek to rise above the current human condition, Self-evolutionists are using the most advanced, innocuous means to spread our message.
Now, evolution is a process of natural selection where organisms adapt to their environment and the influences contained therein.  The organism develops a physical means to overcome obstacles in their environment, including outwitting predators and prey.   We have overcome every predator on our planet, save disease, and turned anything alive into potential prey.  Nothing on our planet provides sufficient problems to necessitate biological change.  Our greatest adaptation, the sapient human brain, is currently our downfall, as it allows us to think a way around the problems we do have, negating the need for further "natural" advancement.
No matter how logical evolution is, mainstream Christianity sticks by the mantra, "If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?"  The real tough part to understand is, if Christians don't believe in evolution, why do they think taking evolution in our own hands, especially in the case of genetic research, is "playing God?"
Since, according to Christians, evolution is not real, transhumanists have actually invented evolution.  Evolution is simply a tool for us to use.
I am reminded of something God said in the Bible:  "Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language... and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do..."(gen 11:6)  Followed by the new testament, where God changed the rules, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven:  whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."(Matt 16:19)  These statements show, unequivocally, that God gave us the ability to advance, AND also the permission.  The Binary language is now used by every person of every ethnicity of every language who has access to a computer.  One language for all peoples, except this time, we have the permission to use it for our own prosperity.  However, mainstream Christians will completely ignore this, as they ignore the rest of the book that they supposedly hold as Holy.
For the time being, our seminars and examples can and should be peaceful.  That way, those who will listen and weigh things out in a logical manner will have that chance.  When talking to Christians, I remind them of the tenets of Jesus Christ.  This embarrasses many, since they tend to be blatant hypocrites, but it opens their ears.  Then, I put forth the idea that when the Spirit of God came upon Mary, in Luke(1:35), God quickened a child in her womb, changing the genetic makeup of the fetus in a way that allowed God to be with him at all times.  I call Jesus the first transhuman.  That really sets their head spinning.
However, one must not ignore the fact that peaceful demonstration and discussion have rarely, if ever, furthered a cause beyond an honorable mention in the history books.  Just as outright violence tends to doom a following to a premature death, so does a purely peaceful method.  Only the correct application of force and persuasion can create a perfect environment for a movement to survive.  Persuasion plants the seed, violence waters the soil.  Just ask Democracy, Human Rights, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and any Industrialized or Developing country.  They spread the idea, protected it as fiercely as needed, and, in the end, achieved what their detractors could not.  Victory, even if it was only temporary.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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