Friday, November 4, 2011

Quora on Twitter Questions Concerning Transhumanism and My P.O.V.

Is transhumanism a threat to liberal democracy?

In reality, no. In a liberal democracy, power over the country and its policies SHOULD be in the hands of the people, which, sadly, is so often not the case. Transhumanism will inevitably strengthen both the mind and body of the electorate, eventually leading to the usurpation of power from the bigots and demagogues that rule our country. Even now, the electoral college is defunct, as technology allows accurate counting of the popular vote; but, the bureaucrats that sit in the seats of power refuse to relinquish their stranglehold on the freedom of this country. Since it definitely is not a threat to TRUE liberal democracy, the government will inevitably portray it in such a way that it will appear to be. Do you honestly see Nancy Pelosi or Newt Gingrich giving up their power to a powerful populace that, even now, before transhumanism is even popular, is capable of governing itself? No. The true threat to liberal democracy, as history has showed the world in EVERY instance of its use as a country's Political basis are the people the populace puts into power. Eventually, some smooth-talker comes along who does not wish to give up power when the time comes, and the country collapses in upon itself or is devoured from the outside. This happened to Greece, Rome, post-WW1 Germany, Iran, Afghanistan, Post WW2 China, Vietnam...
TFProleteriat, Edit

If you were able to download a perfect copy of your consciousness into a computer, would you still be alive after your physical body dies?

The answer is simply, "NO".  I, my consciousness, am not a quantifiable conglomeration of ones and zeros.  As copies in the arena of Law are not as good as the real thing, since they are merely copies and not the true document, a copy of myself, imo, would follow the same parameters.  It is a copy of my consciousness, NOT my consciousness in actuality.  However, if transference of consciousness were to occur, as in AVATAR, the parameters of the question would change.  I would not feel satisfied if a copy of myself were made, as I am a greedy human being, and would only be satisfied if my currently functioning consciousness were to continue.

What is the connection between transhumanism and eugenics?

The connection is Imagined, as Eugenics is a breeding program to shape the human race in a manner befitting the ideals of a fascist, diseased perception of the world actually being capable of being "perfect", and the ego-maniacal assumption that the world agrees with one person or group of people about what "perfect" is.  Eugenics is no different than a breeding program to create a Prize-winning show-dog, whereas Transhumanism gives strength and power to the most lowly of mongrels, by allowing the mongrel choice in how to "upgrade" themselves, namely, allowing choice, while eugenics is forced upon unsuspecting generations, making them the target of future mongrels.
Eugenicists represent the worst of the progressive mindset, from Theodore Roosevelt to Adolf Hitler. Transhumanism is it's misunderstood cousin, representing self-directed progression without pretense of racial or ethnic superiority.  I am the mongrel, and I choose to advance how I want.  Watch out show-dog, you might be prettier, but I've got diamond tipped teeth in the mail.  To rip your butt to shreds.

What are some compelling reasons why humans are more than just self-replicating organic computers?

Computers, being incapable of original thought or even propagation(self replication) without outside programming, have few, if any true creative abilities.  Humans are sapient, and capable of considering their environment in the abstract, going beyond mere facts and evidence into the esoteric.  Wikipedia says, "Computation is a process following a well-defined model that is understood and can be expressed in an algorithm, protocol, network topology, etc."  As we are capable of thinking in ways that defy any algorithm, protocol, or topology, we go beyond the machine, into the "Being."  -TFProleteriat
These are a few questions put forth by Quora(in twitter) dealing with transhumanism, and my answers.  I am somewhat different in thinking from many transhumanists, as I wish to glorify in who I am, and I do not actively seek singularity.  "Singularity" sounds too much like a communist doctrine promoting dullness and boredom.  The word itself feels... Gray, dirty.  I am for transhumanism for all, while most transhumanists, whether they realize it or not, have an elitist view of the movement and are "at war with the natural", as stated by a blogger whom I respect greatly, Ghetto Intellectual.  If anyone wants to chime in with their views, I welcome them.

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