Friday, November 4, 2011

Transhuman Medical Advances

edical technology is evolving right in front of our eyes. We need only open them and see.

Popular Mechanics( ) published a small piece about a new prosthetic limb and another about a rudimentary artificial eye.

The prosthetic limb directly interfaces with the brain, allowing it to move nearly as fast as a human limb with improved dexterity versus previous prosthetic arms. More info can be found at,, and Very I-Robot.

Now, the eye, or, more accurately, the artificial retina, is essentially a camera in the center of a pair of glasses. This is connected to a processor that sends electrical signals to the optic nerve. Again, this effectively interfaces directly with the nervous system, and sends signals to the occipital lobe, where the brain processes vision and visual association. More info can be found at,, and Popular Mechanics site also.

If I plagiarized, and I don't believe I did, all info came from the fore mentioned sites and sources, and all credit goes to the respective parties.

This is where we, as the human race, are at now. If these advances follow Moore's Law, then tech related to the prosthetic arm will advance fairly quickly. Who knows, maybe, within ten years, Bio-compatible prostheses will be on the market. Combined with some other things I have seen, prostheses could be faster and stronger than the parts they replace.

As for the retina, it may be a bit longer, twenty or thirty years, barring incredible, unforeseen advances. However, the British(?) film Doomsday offers some intriguing ideas.

Smarter, faster, Full conversion or partial...(RIFTS anyone?) Who knows? Maybe even in our lifetimes.

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