Friday, November 4, 2011

Fine then, Worship a lightbulb. Retards.(formerly Oh, My God! You're a????)

Now, I am definitely a trans-humanist. My views on what Trans-humanism is are my own, and don't mesh all that well with some other views. Since my, I guess one would call them religious beliefs, are generally Christian leaning with heavy Buddhist undertones, I may catch flack over my beliefs and opinions as they evolve. My belief in God, and I do believe in God, is controversial. However, it makes sense.

The Universe began, to the best of our knowledge, as a Singularity. It existed in finite time, as infinite mass and energy. Everything that exists today was included inside that ball of supercharged particles. Considering that accepted theory states that it consisted, and still consists, mostly of dark matter and dark energy greatly condensed, one must assume this singularity was rather dark.

Then... Boom. Since everything in the Universe was contained within that Singularity, including gaseous components required to make sound, this boom likely made a sound within the super compact ball. The first sound in the Universe miraculously occurred. Without warning, answering only to Laws of Its making, this Singularity spoke.

Light came into being, separating from the darkness as Energy began to visibly react with matter. The four states of matter came into being: solid, liquid, gas, plasma. In the Universe, solids separated from liquids.

Galaxies, stars, and planets formed. Then, something weird happened. Life... evolved. I, personally, don't think that organisms appearing on the universal scale is really that important. If chance created our solar system, chance creating life shouldn't be much of a stretch, if you stop and think about it.

The only constant in all of this, from the big bang to the appearance of life, is energy. All the energy in the Universe was consolidated before the big bang. The Singularity before the bang contained everything in the Universe(all powerful). Everything that we have, everything in the Universe as we know it, occurred due to a shift in that energy.

Thought is energy dancing through our brains. Energy is in everything, an attribute given to God by modern christian beliefs. Though it's concentration in certain areas may differ, the same amount of energy is in the Universe today as was present in the beginning. In that way, it is unchanging. Just like God. Energy was in the beginning, it will be in the Universe still, at it's end. Hmmm... Alpha and Omega, anyone?

When one takes a look at the broad stroke of religion, the Creator(s) are rather impartial. God is just as likely to destroy something as create or nurture it. Energy knows nothing of the passage of time, it is eternal.

Our current concept of Energy, backed by scientific study and theory, has ALL the same attributes of God.

I am not speaking to the open minded, you folks just need to look around a bit more, read a bit. Only those whose fear has closed their eyes to the truth should read this again. Do some research. And if I am wrong, shoot me like you do all those other people who don't believe exactly how you do. Show me how Christ-like you truly are.

This is from about a year ago, though much of it still follows my way of thinking. As I sit and watch the world around me, I see people cling to the irrational more and more. My country is in it's death-throes, and our government is telling us different.


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