Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Point of View: Women  Lupe Fiasco says it very well.

  So, what is going on with women today?  What about you TG women?  TG women are actually safer, as  many women still see you as men, though are too two-faced and shallow to admit it.  The equality of women in the USA is being eroded in such a profound manner I even find it sickening.  In many states, you don’t even have say over what you can do with your body.  Okay, yeah, sure, this mainly has to do with abortion or contraception, so relatively few women are truly effected, meh-meh-mehhh. 
  For you ladies who espouse this point of view, as you sit in the pews Sunday morning or Wednesday night, open up to 1Corinthians or 1Timothy, check it out, then shut up like a good wife.  Or, better yet, read some Genesis.  Yeahhh!!!  The Beginning!!!  The foundation of your entire belief system!  Howsabout Lot and the two angels?  Ask your husband or your preacher to explain why allowing the town to rape your two daughters is preferable to allowing them to take advantage of two incredibly mighty, supernaturally gifted strangers who have the power to scrape the two largest cities in the world off of the planet?  Oh, yeah, so Lot could save his own ass.  Get ready for a stunned moment of silence, followed by a stutter, then a well rehearsed message, that is, once you think about it, an avalanche of bullshit.  Tell me, would you let a man rape your daughter in order to save the asshole of some guy you don’t even know?  What if he was the President?  

  The rest of you women, pay any attention to politics lately?  Do you realize you are supporting people who believe “People don’t die from cancer anymore”( to create or approve legislation that dictates the level of healthcare you are allowed to receive? (Remember that word, “allow.”  Say it once or twice, get a feel for it.  It will come in handy when the Church-run GOP takes over the government.)  Do you also realize that you are supporting  people and agreeing to let them have control over a child growing in your womb, people who believe that having a disembodied voice tell them to take their child into the middle of the desert, kill said child, and burn the remains is an acceptable trait in a leader?  

  I sort of blame myself.  Well, my gender, more specifically.  At the risk of exposing myself for what I am, (that is, a terrible person) I love what women have done with the whole “sexual revolution”, and the second-rate kind of equality that men of the fifties, sixties, and seventies gave them.  Predictably, they used those freedoms to… act in a similar fashion to men: they party, drink, and do all the nifty stuff unscrupulous males did, while chauvinists like me bask in the heat of your… freedoms.  And every time a feminist takes charge of women everywhere, and manages to get a crow-bar into the door-jamb of true equality, a Kim K. or Paris H. runs her over with a Bentley. 
  Unfortunately, men do control the world, or it seems that way since every time someone points out how women aren’t getting a fair shake, women in the ‘States seem not to give a damn.  You don’t even stand up for yourselves anymore.  Women have been shoehorned into this image thing by us, and you love it?  Have you become so jaded by how much worse women in the majority of the rest of the world have it that you are willing to let douche bags like me (albeit, tall, dark, and handsome douche bags), limit and control who you can be?
  I think it’s because at least sixty percent of women in the good ole US of A buy into male superiority, if not by thought, than by deed.  They walk through those church/mosque/temple doors every week.  For five thousand years, men have been using  religion to hold you down, keeping you firmly in the place of a second-class citizen, no matter how you perceive yourself or your lot in life, and you still voluntarily give us that power.  
 Fifty years ago, we men allowed you to taste true freedom.  We allowed you to have true equality.  We are allowing you to hold positions in parliament and congress today.  And yet, speaking in business terms, you are still only worth 75% of what a man is.  “Hello, McFly” comes to mind.
  I guess that’s why I am an atheist, as well as a transhumanist.  As an atheist, I don’t have some all-powerful male super-hero that protects me from evil things like equality and a woman on top.  As a transhumanist, I am not interested in restoring equality to everyone as much as I am trying to destroy this concept that inequality is normal, and everyone is unequal to a male WASP.  
 This whole superiority thing men, especially white men, hold in their hearts is eminently dangerous to our advancement as a society.  We are so focused on our imagined superiority as a gender, we are forgetting our superiority as a species.  Yet, to be superior as a species, we need to act as a cohesive unit.
 Women, you need to wake the fuck up.  I am only one man, am not a feminist by any means, and considering the track record of guys in regard to how women are perceived, do you really want us fighting for you?

P.S. Hey, If anyone knows of a random image of a crowd of women or something, hook me up with it.  I need an intro pic for this.

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