Monday, July 1, 2013

An American's plea to the world

WHAT DOES THE WORLD NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT THIS? If no one has noticed, let me say it: borders are generally meaningless with the massive amounts of communications going on through basic daily correspondence, online gaming, and various other activities that have brought the world together. If the USA is spying on its citizens, IT IS SPYING ON THE ENTIRE WORLD. EU, Africa, CHINA, INDIA, and even the Aussies. None of you are safe from BIG BROTHER'S(re: The US Government's) all seeing eye unless THE ENTIRE PLANET HELPS THE CITIZENS OF THIS COUNTRY STOP THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT FROM SPYING. The world knows this is not right, even obscene in some cases, but our own government does not. Since they obviously do not listen to the citizens of their own country, WILL THE REST OF THE WORLD HELP US OUT A BIT? Maybe sanctions? Anything?

I posted this comment to an article in the Huffington post about the EU getting their panties in a bunch over the USA spying on them.  Strange how the world so soon forgets what happens to a country that believes its ego over reality.  It happened to Britain("The Sun never sets on the British Empire"), Germany(The Third Reich), all the way back to Pax Romana.  Except none of them had the planet's communication grid in such a tight grip.  The United States presents an unprecedented threat to the entire planet, at least those countries that refuse to bend to the will of the United Soviet States of America.  "The Greatest Country in the World."

And before you idiots say, "Well, hm-hm, we aint no soviets.  We don't live in Russia," soviet is Russian for council, and this country is without a doubt ruled by its councils- namely the Senate and the House- and our country is no less hell bent on a form of world domination than the former USSR, decimated Nazi Germany or the decaying British Empire.  In our country, "politically correct" is code for newspeak.  "NSA" is code for Big Brother.  
So, remember this, the indoctrination that millions of children in the USA are forced to say every morning: pledge of allegience.  Children are being brainwashed into believing that being watched, tracked, and corralled by the government is freedom.  They are being brainwashed that a fairy-tale being called "god" is watching over our nation.  They are being forced to believe that what is happening to our people is just.  To the rest of the world, THIS IS WHAT FUTURE PRESIDENTS, OBAMA, BUSH, CLINTON, the other BUSH, (well, you get the drift) HAVE PLANNED FOR YOU UNLESS YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.  Our populace has entered that area of historical significance where our opinion no longer matters, indeed, is no longer allowed unless it is in line with what the government has decreed is correct and true.  Help us.  You all know what's coming.  If you don't, read 1984, by George Orwell.

He-heh, someone just remarked on my opinion that I am earning a trip to Gitmo.  Cuba, here I come.