Saturday, February 8, 2014

Camels, Jews, and Christians, OH, MY!

All right, let's get this straight:
According to researchers at Tel Aviv University have uncovered fairly reliable let evidence proving that camels could not have been in the Arabian peninsula earlier than about 1000 bce.   Putting this in fairy-tale terms, that means a thousand years before the events of the New Testament.
  I see this as a big test for the Christian community.  Either they will wilt under further proof that the bible is anecdotal at best, or they will double down on the bible being literal truth.  Personally, I see them putting their hands over their ears and doing the doing the "Na na na I can't hear you, it's not true" thing.   They are already in full damage control mode, grasping at straws tossed out by articles that are being nice and calling into question the timeline of the bible, not the validity of the entire story.
The big deal with this, I think, is  that it will accelerate the number of Christians who are already on the fence about whether or not they believe the Bible is true, and hopefully they will come to the conclusion that it is a bunch of crap, like a growing number of people. 
  How much more evidence does the world need before it finally admits that the bible is nothing more than a group of stories meant to build a moral foundation through fear in the young? 
Every year the world, with a huge amount of help from Tel Aviv University, is shown more and more evidence that contradicts the supposed holy book.  Grow up people, time to take responsibility for your actions and opinions,  time to quit using a haggard old tome as a security blanket.

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