Sunday, September 7, 2014

Irony(AKA, folksy stupidity from those slowly losing touch with reality)

Let's start off saying that I am not the most intelligent person in the world, but I am intelligent.  I am not a great human being, either, though I have been trying as of late.

One of my former employers, a man whom I once had a great deal of respect for, sent an email yesterday with the subject "Irony".  We'll call him Bill.  Bill is one of these Libertarian types who wants to force everyone to live just like he wishes he could.  Talk about irony.

Here is the e-mail.

"Two Statements that speak volumes:

Irony 1

“We are told NOT to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics."

BUT on the other hand…….

"We are also encouraged TO judge ALL Gun Owners by the actions of a few lunatics."

Irony 2

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture this year, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 47 million people, per the most recent figures available for FY2013.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Thus Ends Today's Lesson On Irony"

Re-read that.  Leave this page, and come back to it in six hours or so, after you have had enough time to nearly forget about it.   That's what I did to the original e-mail.  I slept on it.  I re-read it this morning(Sept. 7th) and was completely blown away by how fucking retarded I must have been to even think that these statements are in any way ironic, and not more of a cry for help from someone whose mind realizes it is separating itself from reality.

Irony 1

“We are told NOT to judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics."

BUT on the other hand…….

"We are also encouraged TO judge ALL Gun Owners by the actions of a few lunatics."

Facts:  Islam is the world's second largest religion and is considered, even by Islam, to be the world's fastest spreading religion.  All non-radicalized populations in Muslim countries are afraid of being targeted by radical Muslim groups, specifically other Muslims.  All radical, militant Muslim extremists are gun owners, duh.

Opinion:   Gun owners in the USA(AGOs) are to the general population of the USA what Radical Muslim Extremists are to Islam:  The people who are going to get us all killed because you do everything in your power to appear mentally imbalanced and increasingly separated from reality.  Okay, here is an eye-opener.  Ever Google NRA and look at the images that pop-up?  Ever Google "Islamic Militants"?  Quite a difference.  American gun owners are a long-running political joke whose "representatives" use them for their own power games even as they complain about the politicians using people for power games while allowing their 4-year-old children to shoot their siblings and neighbors.  We don't judge them by the actions of a few lunatics, we judge them because they allow their "representatives" to PORTRAY AGOs as lunatics, the same reason most sane people inadvertently judge the Muslim community, then feel guilty about it.   That's why we judge gun owners, and that's why we judge the Muslim community, but at least the Muslim community has the decency not to rally behind and publicly support the people making them look bad.

Irony 2

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture this year, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever, to 47 million people, per the most recent figures available for FY2013.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."

Opinion: This one is just my opinion against pure idiocy.  The difference here is if you don't help feed 47 million hungry people living next door to you, they will rip your face off to get to your food, which they cannot afford.  I live in the same black bear infested area as "Bill", and even I know that when you feed the bears in your neighborhood, they will rip your face off to get to the food inside your house, food that you are already giving them, and we won't be able to defend ourselves because gun owners are so busy supporting people who portray gun owners as militant idiots that the government is going to take away the guns we do have.  Moron.  

This world is going to implode.  Not because of satan, or prophecy, or the messiah.  It is going to implode because eighty four percent of the world believe they have the correct fairy tale, and everyone else is wrong and needs to die or burn in hell for it.

Anything I have stated as fact or opined as, well, my opinion can easily be found using your pretty little fingers to Google search.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Camels, Jews, and Christians, OH, MY!

All right, let's get this straight:
According to researchers at Tel Aviv University have uncovered fairly reliable let evidence proving that camels could not have been in the Arabian peninsula earlier than about 1000 bce.   Putting this in fairy-tale terms, that means a thousand years before the events of the New Testament.
  I see this as a big test for the Christian community.  Either they will wilt under further proof that the bible is anecdotal at best, or they will double down on the bible being literal truth.  Personally, I see them putting their hands over their ears and doing the doing the "Na na na I can't hear you, it's not true" thing.   They are already in full damage control mode, grasping at straws tossed out by articles that are being nice and calling into question the timeline of the bible, not the validity of the entire story.
The big deal with this, I think, is  that it will accelerate the number of Christians who are already on the fence about whether or not they believe the Bible is true, and hopefully they will come to the conclusion that it is a bunch of crap, like a growing number of people. 
  How much more evidence does the world need before it finally admits that the bible is nothing more than a group of stories meant to build a moral foundation through fear in the young? 
Every year the world, with a huge amount of help from Tel Aviv University, is shown more and more evidence that contradicts the supposed holy book.  Grow up people, time to take responsibility for your actions and opinions,  time to quit using a haggard old tome as a security blanket.