Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Letter to Mr. Kokesh, I Guess.

Mr. Adam Kokesh,

I would like to start off by saying that I, unlike many "freedom loving Americans", respect the opinions of others, even if I do not agree with them.   I am no one to judge, however, I am forced to interpret one's opinions in light of their actions.  I am actually a subscriber to your You-Tube channel, subscribed for over a year, I think. 
 I think your opinions are valid, and point to something that is rotting, but not abnormal in, our society.  I agree that our rights are being eroded, rather quickly.  However, your assertion that the Democratic process has failed/is failing our country is, I believe, fundamentally flawed.  Even a cursory review of the great democracies throughout history shows that our country is simply on par for the course.  Eventually, special interest groups impose their respective wills on the society, eroding control from the populace, and placing that control into the hands of that nation's self-styled aristocrats.  Without fail.  Ever actually take a look around our nation?
 Now, for your opinion that America is raring for a Revolution, uhhh...  Howsabout read an opinion I posted in Huffington Post to an article about you in their Politics section. 

"Mr. Kokesh, I think you have seriously overestimated your influence, and underestimated the democratic process, rather through ignorance or because of your ego, it is hard to tell. You want to enact change in this country? Sure, voting is somewhat useless nowadays, but there are better, more intelligent ways of going about it. For someone who purports to be versed in the ways of, and ready for, war, you seem to have overlooked one of history's most knowledgeable men in that arena. Your lack of foresight is disheartening. As a person born in a nation that owes its existence to revolutionaries, your regressive tendencies and obvious lack of planning would make the founders shake their head in disbelief. We live in a decadent and decaying society, and there is little that anyone can do, armed yahoos included, to change that. All someone like you is going to do is enforce the idea that our rights need to be further restricted in order to prevent future saber-rattling. Thank you for making life harder for the rest of us.[golf clap]"

Re-read it.  I stick by every sentence in my evaluation of your actions.  You appear so irresponsible it almost makes me smile.  Almost.
 I honestly thought, until I heard of your assembling an open-carry march on DC(then saw your You-tube Vid espousing the same), that you were more rational than the average...  Well, being real, more rational than the average outraged, gun-toting redneck.  If you are not a redneck, fine.  Why are you acting like one?  
 I live in the reddest dot in my blue-leaning blue state, so I see this sort of behavior every day.  Impotent rage against the government, "How dayer Obawma!"  Ask the same people about the Patriot Act, and their canned response is "I'm uh Patriot."  And they are, almost without fail, tourists from Texas. 
 Whether you are this way or not, this is how you are appearing to the public: irrational and unintelligent. P.T. Barnum, dead for a century, knew that appearance is everything.  He was a scoundrel, and a consummate showman, allowing him to turn fraud into fortune.  The appearance you put forward makes you seem like a mad-man, and no one willingly follows insanity.
 I guess I may as well not rant.  So, I end with a question:  Adam, sir, when taking actual reality into account, not a rose- or azure-hued version of what many people "believe" is reality, what do you actually hope to achieve with your recent, apparently irrational, actions?

-Thank you,
TF Proleteriat, a member of the irrational, illiterate masses.

P.S. Really stopping because I have had one too many alcoholic beverages and I have lost my train of thought.  My youtube account is by TF Proleteriat as well.

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