Friday, November 4, 2011

Why Rise of the Planet of the Apes is the most ridiculous movie of the Year

I'm a transhumanist, first and foremost, ok.

The Rise of the Planet of the Apes, currently unreleased, looks like it will be the worst movie of the year, if not the worst ever made.

First, the very premise of the movie is retarded. And yes, I am describing the very basic idea of the movie( Super smart apes rise up against and begin to supplant humans as the apex species on Earth, I guess) as the mentally deficient spawn of an incestuous union between closely related family members.

A geneticist could engineer a chimp with the charisma of Che Guevarra, the intelligence of Stephen Hawking, and the tactile mind of Sun Tzu, release it into the wild, and what would you end up with? A pissed off Ape who realizes he(or she) would have to breed with EVERY OTHER CHIMPANZEE IN EXISTENCE until the day they died to even make a bump in the genetic pool of the species. Even then, if you round up every single member of the great ape family, negating humans, you might end up with the average population of a city in Arkansas.

Next, let's just assume this army of a hundred thousand chimps gets loose in any American city. Let's say New York City, to be fun. What would happen then? Assuming a group of poorly trained National Guard didn't simply mow down the throng with their M-16's, ALL THE REDNECKS IN THE COUNTRY WOULD BEGIN TO GUFFAW simultaneously as PETA and every tree-hugger group gets their heads smashed in by the very animals they had so recently championed("But chim-chim, I love y-"cru-unch of a cracked skull).

After that, you would witness a demographic shift not seen since the carpet-bagger migration to the South following the Civil War, as all those hunters that "high society" looks down their noses at converge upon the besieged city and display why we- h. Sapiens Sapien- are king of the hill, and even super smart chimps are just that, super smart chimps. Let's see a monkey dodge the bullet fired from a 30-.06 half a mile away. And, oh, wait, the monkey saw the trip wire connected to that claymore? Press a button and you still have orangutan-marmalade.

The originals aren't even that entertaining, and even the new one with that awesome actor, Mark Walberg(excuse me as I vomit into a paper sack), sucked. This film will take its place among the numerous expensive failures released this year, and be forgotten completely except by those guys who have home-made PotA costumes at home.

That's not the worst thing. Movies like this cast genetic engineering, medical advancement, and, vicariously, transhumanism, in a terrible light. Yes, there may be those who have ethical disagreements with some methods associated with the aforementioned advancements, but BIG PHARMA, the U.S. Government, and many other organizations don't tell you that they capitalized from the research done by Nazi scientists. But they did. I don't hear anyone griping about the ethics of that.

Back on subject: If you're an H+, you should boycott this movie due to it's degradation of the view of the pursuit of advancement. Everyone else should just ignore the film altogether, cuz I don't wanna hear your moanin and groanin as you regret spending the money seeing/buying/renting this piece of cinematic garbage. Anyway, Hollywood, you should be ashamed of yourself. If the world REALLY wanted to watch vomit from the past, I have this brown bag right here. Sell it to ya for a million dollars.

EVE Online Tribulations: Incarna, Noble Exchange, and Whatever Else


I haven't had the luxury of playing Incarna yet, however, all this hullabaloo about NEx, Aurum, actually makes me WANT to play EVE again. With the amount of interaction and integration being introduced through Dust 514, I am waiting till next spring to FINALLY buy a PS-3, pretty much for D514 only.

One must understand that CCP is a corporation, and as such, has responsibilities to it's shareholders as well as it's players. I imagine that keeping these two balanced is a bit hard at times, as one side wants profit while the other want's a bad ass game. For everything that is going on, EVE Online is still bad ass.

Anyway, I believe that people may be overly critical at the moment. I have looked at the history of major EVE changes, and, as usual, History repeats itself. Outrage, gnashing of teeth, and unsub threats abound... Subside... and those who DO leave... sneak back onto the scene three or four months later, just to realize, "This isn't all that bad." It had to happen eventually, and if CCP does the NEx thing responsibly, it can be a good thing. Just sell the gold ammo bpc's&bpo's, not just ammo. And if not, if people do start buying ships and ammo from Noble Exchange, just make or join a corp that has "Beemer-hunts" and kill the silver-spoonfed bastards.

If someone wants to wear a sparkly thong with skulls hanging on chains, just make a note on their peculiar fashion sense. Vanity items are nothing to me, I just wish they would let outsiders design some.

To me, EVE is the BEGINNING of something great. I hope it evolves into a perpetual world that lasts. With NEURAL NETS being developed, there is a possibility that we, one day, will be able to hook into a virtual world Matrix Style. I want that world, for me at least, to be EVE.

So, be easy on CCP. o/

The Modern Era of Transhumanism: How Close Are We?

Politics and corporations

Blade Runner


Repo Men


Snow Crash

In the United States, we are entering what I am aching to call the "Corporate Carte Blanche" period. The last holdout to overwhelming corporate influence in the political arena, the Democratic Party, has given up all pretense of following through with their push for regulation, and are now holding out their hands like the Republican party. The only outcome I see is increased corporate control of the government until the government in the USA is rendered impotent, and is forced to become a corporation in it's own right in order to survive.

Corporations tend to be controlled by one thing: profits. Governments, at least the U.S. Government, are the largest impediment to the free flow of profits to the shareholders through taxes and other regulations, environmental impact regulations for example. However, with the middle-man's share and control decreased, the walls to corporate greed are gone.

In all reality, at least as far as transhumanism is concerned, this isn't a bad thing. As long as we can get by S.I.A.C.(shit in a can) and S.O.A.W.(Shit on a wire) we'll be ok. How to do that...

EVE ONLINE: Transhumanism's Most Brutal Supporter.

The problems of transhumanism and EVE Online are many, from detractors to an incredibly obtuse misconception of the actual goals involved. The first is a political/science based Futurist movement, and the other is a massively-multiplayer-online game that is a bit ahead of it's time. Transhumanism is run and understood by the very brainiacs that make it incomprehensible and scary to the public. EVE is controlled by the myriad people who "play" the game, unlike most mmo's that are controlled by the corporations or programmers that created them.

Each operates demographically in an out-of-the-way place respective to popular culture, and each tends to be sort of tough to wrap one's head around. One place that the two intersect, strangely enough, is transhumanism itself. The players of EVE are exposed to transhuman theory and goals every day, and seem to understand what they are exposed to in a layman's view that would mystify most of the thinkers currently associated with the movement. All except the science fiction authors that brought it to the public during the twentieth century.

Two problems seem to float to the surface, in my opinion: ability to interface with the public, and ability to explain itself without being dismissed as science fiction fallacy.

Transhumanism for the Masses: Ensuring the Survival of the Transhuman Ideal and its Propagation to all Facets of Society

Are you a transhumanist? If so, I would like you to do something over the next few days. Ask people about their views on transhumanism. You know what, just ask them about transhumanism. I want to know what they say. Let me know. This isn't a time sensitive request, because, even if you are reading this six months after it is posted, I believe the results will be the same.

I recently asked someone I would consider a well-informed individual "Do you have any views of the nearly unknown Transhumanist agenda?"

His answer was "I don't have a good understanding of transhumanism, but from what I know of it sounds like anti-human. (Some) Europeans seem to be at war with the natural universe. Its a battle they will ultimately lose."

I am starting to agree. I am a transhumanist, do not doubt that, but from the point of view of the common man, transhumanism is not a friendly cause. Like most things not understood, it is either feared or maligned. Look it up, learn about it. Actually talk to people about it.

Transhuman Medical Advances

edical technology is evolving right in front of our eyes. We need only open them and see.

Popular Mechanics( ) published a small piece about a new prosthetic limb and another about a rudimentary artificial eye.

The prosthetic limb directly interfaces with the brain, allowing it to move nearly as fast as a human limb with improved dexterity versus previous prosthetic arms. More info can be found at,, and Very I-Robot.

Now, the eye, or, more accurately, the artificial retina, is essentially a camera in the center of a pair of glasses. This is connected to a processor that sends electrical signals to the optic nerve. Again, this effectively interfaces directly with the nervous system, and sends signals to the occipital lobe, where the brain processes vision and visual association. More info can be found at,, and Popular Mechanics site also.

If I plagiarized, and I don't believe I did, all info came from the fore mentioned sites and sources, and all credit goes to the respective parties.

This is where we, as the human race, are at now. If these advances follow Moore's Law, then tech related to the prosthetic arm will advance fairly quickly. Who knows, maybe, within ten years, Bio-compatible prostheses will be on the market. Combined with some other things I have seen, prostheses could be faster and stronger than the parts they replace.

As for the retina, it may be a bit longer, twenty or thirty years, barring incredible, unforeseen advances. However, the British(?) film Doomsday offers some intriguing ideas.

Smarter, faster, Full conversion or partial...(RIFTS anyone?) Who knows? Maybe even in our lifetimes.

Fine then, Worship a lightbulb. Retards.(formerly Oh, My God! You're a????)

Now, I am definitely a trans-humanist. My views on what Trans-humanism is are my own, and don't mesh all that well with some other views. Since my, I guess one would call them religious beliefs, are generally Christian leaning with heavy Buddhist undertones, I may catch flack over my beliefs and opinions as they evolve. My belief in God, and I do believe in God, is controversial. However, it makes sense.

The Universe began, to the best of our knowledge, as a Singularity. It existed in finite time, as infinite mass and energy. Everything that exists today was included inside that ball of supercharged particles. Considering that accepted theory states that it consisted, and still consists, mostly of dark matter and dark energy greatly condensed, one must assume this singularity was rather dark.

Then... Boom. Since everything in the Universe was contained within that Singularity, including gaseous components required to make sound, this boom likely made a sound within the super compact ball. The first sound in the Universe miraculously occurred. Without warning, answering only to Laws of Its making, this Singularity spoke.

Light came into being, separating from the darkness as Energy began to visibly react with matter. The four states of matter came into being: solid, liquid, gas, plasma. In the Universe, solids separated from liquids.

Galaxies, stars, and planets formed. Then, something weird happened. Life... evolved. I, personally, don't think that organisms appearing on the universal scale is really that important. If chance created our solar system, chance creating life shouldn't be much of a stretch, if you stop and think about it.

The only constant in all of this, from the big bang to the appearance of life, is energy. All the energy in the Universe was consolidated before the big bang. The Singularity before the bang contained everything in the Universe(all powerful). Everything that we have, everything in the Universe as we know it, occurred due to a shift in that energy.

Thought is energy dancing through our brains. Energy is in everything, an attribute given to God by modern christian beliefs. Though it's concentration in certain areas may differ, the same amount of energy is in the Universe today as was present in the beginning. In that way, it is unchanging. Just like God. Energy was in the beginning, it will be in the Universe still, at it's end. Hmmm... Alpha and Omega, anyone?

When one takes a look at the broad stroke of religion, the Creator(s) are rather impartial. God is just as likely to destroy something as create or nurture it. Energy knows nothing of the passage of time, it is eternal.

Our current concept of Energy, backed by scientific study and theory, has ALL the same attributes of God.

I am not speaking to the open minded, you folks just need to look around a bit more, read a bit. Only those whose fear has closed their eyes to the truth should read this again. Do some research. And if I am wrong, shoot me like you do all those other people who don't believe exactly how you do. Show me how Christ-like you truly are.

This is from about a year ago, though much of it still follows my way of thinking. As I sit and watch the world around me, I see people cling to the irrational more and more. My country is in it's death-throes, and our government is telling us different.


Do You Dream of Electronic Sheep?

So many dream about being a werewolf or a vampire... Do you? And why or why not? You would be able to punch a car and feel no pain. Hell, you would be able to pick that car up and play volley ball with a couple of friends. The Supernatural are sleek, sexy, and eternal. Everything we wish to be. Even the wealthiest of us manage to achieve this for only a short period, and the rest of us manage only the briefest moments. It all ends. In a thousand years, all that will be left of today's sleek and sexy will be Micheal Jackson's nose and Pamela Anderson's breast implants.

But, does it have to be that way? Do we have to grow old, lose mental and physical acuity, and die? Used to be, we had to heave a sigh, and accept... Fate.

Now, I'm not implying we can overcome death, at least not permanently. Medical technology is advancing quickly, moving in the general direction of increasing longevity and bettering our quality of life. Even cosmetic surgery, of which I earlier made light, is allowing us to look how we want, longer(quality of life).

What if you could look how you wish?

What if you could live as long as you wish?

What if you could ride the Night Eternal on Wings of Shadow?

What if?

Transhuman Expansion, Let's Make Noise

As I stated in my last post, Transhumanism is being introduced gradually, quietly, unobtrusively.  Supposedly, their methods seek to "Solicit offensive and counterproductive portrayals of longevity, human enhancement and emerging technologies, and encourage our membership, chapters and allies to dialogue with the authors, producers and distributors."(  Does this seem counterproductive to anyone?  That's like trying to argue with a Republican Christian  about funding for stem cell research.  In church.
Detractors of Transhumanism will tend to be some of the most vociferous and close minded people in our country.  As our greatest number of constituents will be Democrats, who are now touting themselves as Progressives, the country will be somewhat against accepting many, if not most, of the ideas presented by transhumanists.  Since a building block of Progressivism is the raising up of logic over irrational decision-making, science is indelibly associated with the movement.
In our country, T.H. will be associated with eugenics due to a wanna-be demagogue on FOX.  This blowhard dedicated multiple episodes to the Progressive movement, or against it, in this case.  Since Transhumanism will definitely be identified with the Progressive movement, and as good ole Glenn Beck tied Progressives to everything from Fascism to Communism(If I remember correctly, the world's most important fascist and the world's biggest communist didn't even get along all too well), Transhumannism WILL be demonized, no matter how we present it, or how hard we try to get people to understand what it is all about.
Since the very people that will need to be convinced about the promising advances of TH are the same ones that misinterpret their own beliefs, we face a grave challenge.  These people follow the things that are thrust in their face, and in fact, practice a creed that demanded you be killed or ostracized if one did not follow their way of belief.  It was that way for fifteen hundred years.
We will have to realize the fact that the only way to communicate effectively in today's world is SHOCK FACTOR.  If we can make everyone hate us for an hour, they will remember us forever.  We then sulk into the shadows to lick our wounds, and go about business as usual.  Then, when we figure out that the only true way to "cure" cancer lies in genetic manipulation, or we are attacked by extraterrestrials(unlikely as that seems) as great minds from Stephen Hawking to Enrico Fermi agree is increasingly likely as the days go by,  we roll out our answers to the dilemma at hand.  Sorry, but prayer and rhetoric do not have noticeable effects on the outcomes of either war or medical issues.
We are currently the guy at the back of the class.  The quiet one that no one pays much attention to.  Time to make some noise.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

The Overall Peacefull Transhumanist Policy

Transhumanism is the belief that we, homo sapien, have hit something of an evolutionary dead end, and we should now direct our evolution on our own.  Many in the world, mostly fanatically religious types, oppose this point of view, while others, mainly the uncaring "mainstream" American individual, simply ignore it.  Transhumanism seeks to spread it's themes through peaceful discourse and seminars, using the opposite methods of the very institutions that oppose us.  As we seek to rise above the current human condition, Self-evolutionists are using the most advanced, innocuous means to spread our message.
Now, evolution is a process of natural selection where organisms adapt to their environment and the influences contained therein.  The organism develops a physical means to overcome obstacles in their environment, including outwitting predators and prey.   We have overcome every predator on our planet, save disease, and turned anything alive into potential prey.  Nothing on our planet provides sufficient problems to necessitate biological change.  Our greatest adaptation, the sapient human brain, is currently our downfall, as it allows us to think a way around the problems we do have, negating the need for further "natural" advancement.
No matter how logical evolution is, mainstream Christianity sticks by the mantra, "If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?"  The real tough part to understand is, if Christians don't believe in evolution, why do they think taking evolution in our own hands, especially in the case of genetic research, is "playing God?"
Since, according to Christians, evolution is not real, transhumanists have actually invented evolution.  Evolution is simply a tool for us to use.
I am reminded of something God said in the Bible:  "Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language... and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do..."(gen 11:6)  Followed by the new testament, where God changed the rules, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven:  whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."(Matt 16:19)  These statements show, unequivocally, that God gave us the ability to advance, AND also the permission.  The Binary language is now used by every person of every ethnicity of every language who has access to a computer.  One language for all peoples, except this time, we have the permission to use it for our own prosperity.  However, mainstream Christians will completely ignore this, as they ignore the rest of the book that they supposedly hold as Holy.
For the time being, our seminars and examples can and should be peaceful.  That way, those who will listen and weigh things out in a logical manner will have that chance.  When talking to Christians, I remind them of the tenets of Jesus Christ.  This embarrasses many, since they tend to be blatant hypocrites, but it opens their ears.  Then, I put forth the idea that when the Spirit of God came upon Mary, in Luke(1:35), God quickened a child in her womb, changing the genetic makeup of the fetus in a way that allowed God to be with him at all times.  I call Jesus the first transhuman.  That really sets their head spinning.
However, one must not ignore the fact that peaceful demonstration and discussion have rarely, if ever, furthered a cause beyond an honorable mention in the history books.  Just as outright violence tends to doom a following to a premature death, so does a purely peaceful method.  Only the correct application of force and persuasion can create a perfect environment for a movement to survive.  Persuasion plants the seed, violence waters the soil.  Just ask Democracy, Human Rights, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and any Industrialized or Developing country.  They spread the idea, protected it as fiercely as needed, and, in the end, achieved what their detractors could not.  Victory, even if it was only temporary.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

Something In the Way

Evolution.  "Which is, of course, what this is all about."  Agent Smith, in The Matrix(1999, Fox Studios/Village roadshow pictures) faces a similar dilemma that we, as modern humans, do.  He wants out of his currently restrictive existence.  However, there is something in the way: Zion, the last human city.  The main difference between Agent Smith and many H.Sapiens is the fact that he knows how to solve his problem.  Get the codes to crack the mainframe, destroy the free humans, and he no longer needs to be inside the Matrix.  It's not  that easy for us.
Our Matrix, the planet Earth, holds us rather tightly.  It protects us with atmosphere and magnetic field.  It currently produces enough food for the human race to survive.  Barring a sudden natural catastrophe, on Earth, we humans have it pretty good.  Added to all that is the fact that we don't really have a need to evolve.
A 30.06 rifle is sufficient to take down any animal we consider food.  A combine and tractor is more than enough to harvest all the grain we need, and our hands are perfect for gathering vegetables and fruit.  A pair of boots, some rope, and minimal climbing gear are adequate to take the average human being to any part of our biosphere that has the ability to support them as an organism.  There is no earthly necessity for us, as a species, to evolve.  Again, this is barring unforeseen, sudden catastrophe.  Our lack of need to evolve in relation to the challenges provided by our environment is the roadblock for humanity.  Somethiiiiiiiiing in the way, ye-ah, mmmmmmmmm-mmmmm....(Nirvana)
Now, many die-offs in Earth's history are directly related to sudden, catastrophic events(I apologize, I so rarely use "catastrophe" in conversation, and it's such a nice word), I realize this.  However, many species that have disappeared did so gradually, as they lost the fight for food, the reigning champion among reasons for evolution.  I would like to think that, at least on Earth, our species has nothing to fear when it comes to competition for food sources.  However, a species that no longer evolves has the annoying habit of dying off.  So, where will the impetus for our evolution come from?
Ourselves.  The overall problem with Natural Evolution is that it lacks the ability to adapt an organism for, say, a caldera erupting on our planet, and smothering all life in ash.  This is a very likely scenario, should Yosemite decide to pop.
I believe we would survive as a species.  Face masks, mre's, wind-powered hydroponics houses, and human stubbornness would see us through.  Biodiversity would vanish, which would be a problem.  Again, this would not necessarily be a factor that would force evolution upon us.  Even if Yosemit should blow its top, it's not a guarantee that the power grid in Europe would be terribly effected.  Also, coal-fired, oil-fired and nuclear power-plants do not necessarily need the sun to function.  So, the possibility that humanity would have enough power to run successful, large-scale hydroponics operations coupled with indoor farms exists.
The new "nature" still would not present a case for us to evolve.  Nature, once our greatest cause for advancement, will be, or is, our primary impediment.  So, we are stuck with the fact that we need to expand our environment in order to introduce new factors for progression.
In order to expand our environment, we would need to become a space-faring species.  Radiation is the greatest problem we face as an extraterrestrial species, along with sustenance and space junk like micrometeorites, and space itself.
To ease the impact of these factors in the short run, bio-mechanical solutions can be made available in an incredibly short time.  As we speak(or read, in this case), prosthetic limbs are being developed that interface with the human nervous system.  This is to accomplish the task of making artificial limbs as fast as the biological limbs they seek to imitate or replace.  Also, devices that provide tactile feedback to the brain are being experimented with.
By "upgrading" our bodies, we may be able to become faster, stronger, and more durable.  The less outside help we need in the form of sustenance, the greater our survivability as an extraterrestrial species.  In essence, we would be forcing evolution on ourselves.  Going in the direction we choose.  Since nature won't give us what we need to progress as a species, we will do it ourselves.

Waiting For the Future to Catch Up

Will you still be around to reach singularity?

Aging. This is a problem that modern transhumanists(TH) have yet to overcome. Past TH's faced this Demon as well, and lost. They did not, however, exist on the Brink..

Any day now, some new discovery will rock the scientific community( while being artfully hidden from public's non-seeing eye). This stumbled upon revelation will change our understanding of thought, aging, or consciousness... Something.

The problem with any day is the fact that it may be tomorrow, it may be your seventy third birthday, or even the fourth anniversary of your passing.

"Will I be here for that day?" Ask yourself that question. Say it out loud, "Will I be here on that day?"

Take a personal survey while you're at it. What's your health like? Your Lifestyle?

  • Do you watch your caloric intake?
  • Do you socialize outside of work and home?
  • How well do you deal with and moderate stress?
  • Do you exercise daily?
  • Do you get enough sleep?
While one maybe a transhumanist, they are currently ONLY human. Take care of what you have now. It may help you see then.


My recent comment to S. Hawkings "Humans have entered a new stage of evolution"-

Controlling our own evolution is not a bad thing. What bad or stupid people do with Gene splicing(ie. Splice) may cast gene splicing in a negative light, this will only lead to greater transparency and control over the genetic process.
I have to disagree with Mr. Hawking on modifying aggression. As terrible as it is, aggression and war have, at least in the last ten thousand years, lead us to where we are, evolutionarily speaking. Looking back at history, peace has lead each empire that has embraced it down a path of stagnation and destruction much faster than war. Ego-maniacal retards are the reason why warlike cultures fail, providing impetus to learn from the mistakes of past empires, this learning being the external information type of evolution that Mr. Hawking is, I believe, referring to. Objectively speaking, aggression and progression go hand in hand, as many technologies result directly from military research(take a look at your precious cell-phone, nay-sayer. yup, its from the military.) just as our current ability to reach space unfortunately owes its existence to Hitler's V2 rockets, and even further back, to Persia's "magic" hand grenades. Just as we have evolved our weapons to serve several different purposes, so must we evolve ourselves for the different purposes of the future.

Ponderings, and, Maybe, Something about Transhumanism

I've been out of the way for a while. My little sister was killed, so I got a little depressed, and didn't give a crap about anything for a while. Also, the economic meltdown finally hit my town, so my only source of solace, working like a dog, was taken from me. Also, I'm an asshole, I guess, and got fired by my Faux-liberal boss(he's a Republican who thinks he is a Democrat). I actually expect people to do what they were hired for, and get fired for it. Go Figure. Last time I actually stay in management after second thoughts.

Man. Had those "Also"s goin for a sec. OOOH!!! forgot one. Also, I finally found a place to lose myself: EVE Online. Great game, and not one for the weak minded. That's why they don't have the massive fan-base that games like WOW and... Well, that's the only huge game I have played extensively, and while it can be fun, it's not challenging in the slightest, and any troglodyte or 5-year-old that can tie his name or spell their shoe-laces should be able to solo-hack-and-slash their way through it's many missions. Also, unlike Blizzard, CCP(the game developers) don't make a habit of screwing long-time players by taking something they have worked for and making it trivial. CCP at least tries to make the in-game effort and time pay off.

The game itself is sort of a smash up of Star Wars,The Sixth Day, Wall Street(stock market, not film), the Somali coast(pirates included), and unabashed true-to-name free market capitalism. Trans-humanists and Anarchists alike should love this game.

Your character, or Pilot, spends most of their life in the capsule, an egg-shaped space craft that keeps the pilot safe from all the rigors of space, save other pilots. Also, your body has been specifically re-engineered to survive in space for extended periods of time. Your pilot is effectively immortal, since if one is killed, they are immediately cloned at a station of their choosing, while the clone quality is determined by the amount of Isk(intergalactic standard kredits= cash) spent on your future new self. One can also, if one has the skills and cash, jump from one body to another across great distances in game.

The only rules in the game that are set in stone refer only to areas known as Hi-Security space. Do not attack other players, civilians, or members of the game establishment. In Low-security and Null-Security areas, you tend to have carte-blanche. The establishment does not extend very far into Low-sec, and not at all in null-sec. Even in hi-sec space, though, the rules can be bent, or, if you're fast enough, broken.

All-in-all, this is a game where one has to be very careful: in one fell swoop, all your hard work can be lost, and there you are, sitting in a space station, floating in a green football, angry at so-and-so because they just taught you a hard lesson. The learning curve in the game is so steep, many people aren't mentally tough enough to make it past the free-trial.(If you would like an extended free trial-21days- hook me up with your e-mail, the extra week is worth it for a broader view. I don't spam.)

If we, as a species, were smart, we would take a look at this "game"(I prefer simulation) and plan on making it a reality. Over-population, pollution, even in a small part war, could all be solved if we took the next step into space. If we, as a species, turned our creativity away from Ipads and towards human expansion into space, I don't think it would be two or three decades before we at least settled Mars, the Moon, or Space stations.

Transhumanism itself could solve the physical problems associated with travel in less than twenty years. Even EVE's capsuleer notion isn't that far-fetched. The human body is incredibly modular. The core components for individuality and survival can easily be separated from the rest, put into an artificial body, and connected to everything needed for control of that body as well as a craft and remote vehicles for exploration. This isn't exactly the capsuleer notion, but it is realistically achievable for us at the moment. 

Even with the spectre of death hanging over me, I managed to find a small connection to one of my passions. The only way to see the future is to create it.

Homo Sapiens Versatility as a species

The Cheetah evolved perfectly for the savannah-and nowhere else.
Versatility: The property of being versatile or having many different abilities; flexibility.(

Now, when one looks at nature, one may see many different examples of specialized species: praying mantis, penguin, cheetah, orca, the list goes on and on. Each animal in the animal kingdom has admirable qualities. Yet, nearly every animal in the biosphere, when taken out of their environment, is done for.

However, there is one animal that has avoided this pitfall. This animal has survival instincts so versatile, its survival is not tied to any one climate or environment type. The Homo Sapiens.

However, H. Sapiens has hit the evolutionary doldrums. Overall, our environment no longer provides factors to force large evolutionary advances. So, many of us now seek to decide where we should go as a species.

Now, science is advancing very rapidly. As science advances, so does our ability to manipulate ourselves, down to the genetic level. We are even approaching the ability to integrate mechanical advances into our bodies. Neither of these areas will stop development, as research is, overall, in the best interests of humanity. The problem here is the possibility that we will paint ourselves into a corner, so to speak.

We must monitor genetics research, as well as bio-mechanic development, in order to prevent ourselves from becoming over-specialized. If we do not, the distinct possibility arises that we may create several subspecies within H. Sapiens. This would be disastrous, as Race, a functionally dead concept, would come to the forefront once again, this time with actual basis in genetic or bio-mechanic fact. Also, every species that has become overspecialized has either succumbed to extinction, or is on the way.

We must seek to upgrade ourselves realistically, so we do not downgrade ourselves in reality.

If Sci-Fi is the Future...

Look around you. Many people have the audacity to say that we are heading for

if we follow a road to transhumanism. I say we are already there. The TSA has now made it legal for a perv to feel up your thirteen year old daughter or son, in the name of "security."
Can you honestly say that

is really any different from

and keep a straight face? Is that not the precursor to a true police state?
You self styled "Freedom Watchers", small government, and equality-for-all people are the same bigots that cry for the government to invade our lives even more.
The only reason that we don't live in a true police state now is the fact that our "elected" leaders don't have the balls to tell you. In the American state of Florida, the entire state's policing agencies fall under an all encompassing agency called the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Their mission statement is pretty straight forward: To promote public safety and strengthen domestic security by providing services in partnership with local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies to prevent, investigate, and solve crimes while protecting Florida’s citizens and visitors.
A Federally funded program based in Florida, and run by FDLE, is trying to link public records and private databases into the “Multistate Anti-Terrorist Information Exchange.” Find it at It's primary function is to collect information on anyone that may have a reason for feeling angry at the country. Its secondary function is to create connections from every convicted felon in the U.S. down to everyone they've been involved with throughout their life, Including all US citizens that have been convicted of ANY crime, served in the armed forces since Nam, or has any family living in any part of the world that has a populace with a grudge against the US. It has a data-mining bug as its basis, and is being challenged by the ACLU for constitutionality. It doesn't matter, though. No-one even knows that it exists. The information they collect is very in-depth, delving into the most private aspects of one's life. It was created by the PATRIOT Act, and has fallen under the radar.
We already are living in a police state. We better get used to it. If Sci-Fi is the future, why don't we just act like we're living in Sci-Fi?
(Imported from an older blog,

Quora on Twitter Questions Concerning Transhumanism and My P.O.V.

Is transhumanism a threat to liberal democracy?

In reality, no. In a liberal democracy, power over the country and its policies SHOULD be in the hands of the people, which, sadly, is so often not the case. Transhumanism will inevitably strengthen both the mind and body of the electorate, eventually leading to the usurpation of power from the bigots and demagogues that rule our country. Even now, the electoral college is defunct, as technology allows accurate counting of the popular vote; but, the bureaucrats that sit in the seats of power refuse to relinquish their stranglehold on the freedom of this country. Since it definitely is not a threat to TRUE liberal democracy, the government will inevitably portray it in such a way that it will appear to be. Do you honestly see Nancy Pelosi or Newt Gingrich giving up their power to a powerful populace that, even now, before transhumanism is even popular, is capable of governing itself? No. The true threat to liberal democracy, as history has showed the world in EVERY instance of its use as a country's Political basis are the people the populace puts into power. Eventually, some smooth-talker comes along who does not wish to give up power when the time comes, and the country collapses in upon itself or is devoured from the outside. This happened to Greece, Rome, post-WW1 Germany, Iran, Afghanistan, Post WW2 China, Vietnam...
TFProleteriat, Edit

If you were able to download a perfect copy of your consciousness into a computer, would you still be alive after your physical body dies?

The answer is simply, "NO".  I, my consciousness, am not a quantifiable conglomeration of ones and zeros.  As copies in the arena of Law are not as good as the real thing, since they are merely copies and not the true document, a copy of myself, imo, would follow the same parameters.  It is a copy of my consciousness, NOT my consciousness in actuality.  However, if transference of consciousness were to occur, as in AVATAR, the parameters of the question would change.  I would not feel satisfied if a copy of myself were made, as I am a greedy human being, and would only be satisfied if my currently functioning consciousness were to continue.

What is the connection between transhumanism and eugenics?

The connection is Imagined, as Eugenics is a breeding program to shape the human race in a manner befitting the ideals of a fascist, diseased perception of the world actually being capable of being "perfect", and the ego-maniacal assumption that the world agrees with one person or group of people about what "perfect" is.  Eugenics is no different than a breeding program to create a Prize-winning show-dog, whereas Transhumanism gives strength and power to the most lowly of mongrels, by allowing the mongrel choice in how to "upgrade" themselves, namely, allowing choice, while eugenics is forced upon unsuspecting generations, making them the target of future mongrels.
Eugenicists represent the worst of the progressive mindset, from Theodore Roosevelt to Adolf Hitler. Transhumanism is it's misunderstood cousin, representing self-directed progression without pretense of racial or ethnic superiority.  I am the mongrel, and I choose to advance how I want.  Watch out show-dog, you might be prettier, but I've got diamond tipped teeth in the mail.  To rip your butt to shreds.

What are some compelling reasons why humans are more than just self-replicating organic computers?

Computers, being incapable of original thought or even propagation(self replication) without outside programming, have few, if any true creative abilities.  Humans are sapient, and capable of considering their environment in the abstract, going beyond mere facts and evidence into the esoteric.  Wikipedia says, "Computation is a process following a well-defined model that is understood and can be expressed in an algorithm, protocol, network topology, etc."  As we are capable of thinking in ways that defy any algorithm, protocol, or topology, we go beyond the machine, into the "Being."  -TFProleteriat
These are a few questions put forth by Quora(in twitter) dealing with transhumanism, and my answers.  I am somewhat different in thinking from many transhumanists, as I wish to glorify in who I am, and I do not actively seek singularity.  "Singularity" sounds too much like a communist doctrine promoting dullness and boredom.  The word itself feels... Gray, dirty.  I am for transhumanism for all, while most transhumanists, whether they realize it or not, have an elitist view of the movement and are "at war with the natural", as stated by a blogger whom I respect greatly, Ghetto Intellectual.  If anyone wants to chime in with their views, I welcome them.

Transhumanism In Action!

I am a Transhumanist.  I believe that we, as a species, should use science and technology to advance our existence.  Of course, medical technology will be at the forefront of the advancement, for obvious reasons.
There is one medical advancement that tenuously falls under the purview of transhumanism.  Something that started out as a method of improving the quality of life of people who had disfiguring scars or a condition that led to a large amount of insecurity.  Later, as looks began to mean everything, cosmetic surgery was turned from a medical procedure for the scar-laden insecure to an elective surgery for insecure retards with too much money. Wanna see?
 Very attractive super-woman, capable of keeping an entire A-380 afloat!
 Once a sex symbol, now... an... I don't know what.
 The most perfect example of too much of a good thing...

 How is this an improvement?

Hmmmm... Maybe mike didn't get surgery...
I'm sorry, accidentally downloaded a livestock photo....

from workin 9 to 5 to paying to look 95
Now, despite my previous comments, these pictures aren't here for derision, they're here to prove a point.  Something that was meant to improve the lives of the unfortunate is now a monstrous addiction for the too-fortunate.
The irresponsible use of cosmetic surgery should serve as an example to those that have the knowledge to further transhumanism.  It is an example of the abuses that will come.  Nothing can stop that.  We, as a species, tend to be completely and utterly uncaring when it comes to the consequences of our actions.  Something must be done to counteract the damage we will do when we realize transhumanity.  We should start fixing the problem now.
All pictures thanks