Saturday, August 25, 2012

GOP 2012!

Republican Party Symbol

  So, I have been reading stuff that is rather harsh to the GOP, of which I am a registered member.  Unfortunately I do agree with a lot of it, though much of it is as far out there as anything the target can come up with.  I personally believe that the future of technological advancement is in trouble so long as the rather fanatical christian fervor of the party continues.  I do not see it stopping any time soon.  
  So, with this criticism of my own political affiliation, I implore more logical minds to once again make a stand within the party.  Take control once again.  If not, let's make another political party, one not left, not right, not libertarian.  One Logical.  One that looks to the future, not only of itself, but of the people of the good ole USA. 

Is this one better?  I only used the reversal of the Democrat's symbol for the equestrian nature of unicorns.  

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

TFProleteriat's Point of View- Human

  Okay.  For this post at least, I will use Wikipedia definitions until I can update them with RL dictionary and encyclopedia references.  I apologize, it's a cop-out I usually do not do, unless I feel lazy, or in this case, do not currently have access to my reference books, since they are packed in a box currently.
  Has anyone taken a look at society lately?  Noticed how fractured it is?  I am quickly realizing that the growing division in humanity is an underlying reason why I buy into Transhumanism,( though I don't buy into the posthuman bit, I think our sense of individuality is too strong for that.  Also, strong language, strong opinions, and unfairness will abound following this sentence.  That being said, tell me what you think.
  This is a post I should have done first, I realize, but this blog is so all over the place, first a political thing, then tech and transhumanism oriented, now it is some bastard-child hybrid of the two.  It has evolved, as have my opinions, since I started seeing the world for what it is and not through the rose colored glasses of the far left or far right.  Inertia, friction, and gravity have conspired to bring me to the lowest point in the arc of my opinions and keep me there.  Know what?  For the first time since I left the church, I feel content.  My opinions are now based more on being part of humanity that being human.
   Being part of humanity, I have come to a stark realization.  We desperately hold onto personal descriptors that really mean nothing.  We are constantly being forced to believe they do, as though they have a supernatural power to protect us from the bogeyman.  Is there a difference between being proud of whom you are as opposed to what you are?  What you are is simple: human.  Nothing more, though many would have you believe you are much less.
 What seems to be one of the goals of the transhumanist philosophy, what I gather from it, is to mitigate the power of those descriptors.  Race, gender, physical appearance, age, what are they?  When it comes down to it, they literally are nothing more than a fluke of timing.  One more stoplight, one more beer, even something as trivial as a bad grade on your older sibling’s report card and you might not be here.  It doesn't take much to disrupt the events leading to fifteen minutes of sweating and groaning followed by someone shuddering in orgasm.  And yet, we allow skin color, hair color, sexual organs or our time on earth to trivialize our existence.
  Guess how trivial your existence is (without further demeaning yourself with a useless descriptor)?  You are unique, and interesting, just like the six and a half billion other people on mother earth.  Feel better?  And yet we allow ourselves to be cut off from that number by these stupid categories, which, instead of defining us and distinguishing us, demoralize and weaken us.
  Race, gender, physical appearance, and age.  These four categories have been the foundation of all discrimination,  intolerance, repression and oppression since man began singing history (history has its root in the Greek “histor” meaning inquiry, knowledge from inquiry, or judge, not “his story” as some theists and a few other “ists” would have you mistakenly believe).  Just read any religious or historical text or any myth.
  Now, I am not saying that most of us have control over how these characteristic affect our lives.  I realize that the majority of cultures are still scrabbling their way out of a pit created by perceptions that stem from the dark ages.  This part of my opinion is geared, somewhat selfishly, toward my particular culture, United States American, and somewhat to the entirety of  modern western civilization, both seeming desperate to find a shovel they will use to dig a new pit, since the dark ages were so… comforting.
  Think of it like this:  What if you were able to look as old or as young as you wanted?  Wanted to be a tanned bronzed beach goddess today, or a dashing  black-skinned prince this evening?  What if you were to be that "light through yon window breaks" or standing with a sword in hand in the winter of our discontent?  What would the world be like if we put on appearances like we put on clothes?  How liberating would it be if you were defined by how adroit your mind is instead of how tall you are?  Through transhumanism, all these and more are possible.
   I will also be continuing this into two or three other posts. One will focus on women in the modern environment and the emerging environment of the future, and one will be about all those cry babies whining because they are being oppressed for their religion and the lack of a place in the future for religion.